Shinto language

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  1. Kinjinja | Power spots in Gifu | Power spot search.
    • Uncategorized
    • Gifu

    Kin Shrine

    As you read, Kin Shrine is a shrine that has the benefit of improving your money fortune. Inami Shrine's main festival god Izumihiko Igarashiki settled Oshu ...

  2. Inami Shrine | Power Spots / Shrines in Gifu | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.
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    • Gifu

    Inami Shrine

    Izumihiko Igarashiki, who lives at Inami Shrine, is a god of flood control and industry. Gifu Prefecture has abundant crops since ancient times when the Yodo River, Nagara River, and Kiso River ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha


    The name is derived from Sanskrit Darkini, meaning "look and eat." In ancient Indian mythology, the wife of the supreme god Shiva Kali's maiden ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Hundred Raid Day

    The queen of the XNUM X generations, Emperor Takamichi, and a heroine of "The Legend of Tombs". The following story is written in the Nihon Shoki. Hundred Raid Day (Yamato and ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Doctor Yakushi

    A god who appears in Mahayana Buddhism. "Yakushi" means "Baishajiaguru" in Sanskrit language, "Medicine and medicine teacher (Guru means" teacher ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Kohan Saki Himejin

    A goddess believed to be the spirit of Mount Fuji and scolded by Asama Taisha. The theory that the name "wood flower" is "sakura" is strong. It is a symbol of beauty like cherry blossoms ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha


    The only goddess in Seven Lucky Gods. The roots are the ancient Indian god of rivers "Salasvati". XNUM X Arm of the Armband, Scripture Veda, Vida

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Samurai god

    Prior to the arrival of Heavenly Son, Amaterasu and others received the life of the Takamahara center, along with Yujin Tsuyoshi (the ordinary bear), Yusuhara China (in the middle of Ashihara =

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Fudo Fudo

    "Mingo" is a sectarian deity and is an incarnation of "the wisdom of enlightenment". Receiving the life of Dainichi, all obstacles to salvation of the people ...

    • Shinto language
    • God Buddha

    Nippon Taketaka

    It is a hero of the Yamato court of a half god, but it is a god enshrined in a mysterious veil with many discords. A variety of local traditions and legends are consolidated, personality ...

  1. Japan Grand Lodge | Tokyo Power Spot

  2. Bokukoku Shrine | Power Spots in Mie | Search for power spots.

    Daukoku shrine

  3. Jade life

  4. Taga Taisha | Power Spot in Shiga Prefecture

  5. Teniwato Shrine | Power Spot / Shrine in Kyoto | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Amiwato Shrine | Kyoto Power Spot

  6. Koshien Shrine Shrine

  7. Shiraishi Shrine | Hokkaido Power Spot

  8. Fudo Fudo

  9. Mizuma Shrine | Power Spot / Shrine in Saitama | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search

    Mitaka Shrine | Power Spot in Saitama Prefecture

  10. Nokogiriyama Nihon-ji | Power Spots / Shrines in Chiba | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Kagoyama Nihonji Temple | Power Spot in Chiba Prefecture

  1. Tokyo's Power Spot

  2. Mr. Isogo | Iwate Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.


  3. Azumikuni Shrine | Fukushima Prefecture Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Azumikuni Shrine

  4. Hofu Tenmangu | Power Spots in Yamaguchi Prefecture

  5. Uchinomiya (Imperial Shrine) | Power Spot in Mie Prefecture

  6. Sensuijima | Hiroshima Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Senshakujima | Power spot in Hiroshima Prefecture

  7. Shishijima Hyosei

  8. Iwa Miyako Shrine | Power spot in Hyogo | Search for power spot.

    Iwa Miyako Shrine

  9. Hikawa Shrine (Saitama) | Power Spots in Saitama Prefecture

  10. Kitano Tenman Shrine | Hyogo Prefecture Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Kitano Tenma Shrine | Hyogo Prefecture Power Spot

  1. Nagata Shrine | Power Spots in Hyogo | Power spot search.

    Nagata Shrine


  2. Ikuishi Shrine | Power Spots in Hyogo | Search for power spots.

    Ikuishi Shrine


  3. Gunsha Shrine


  4. Koshien Shrine Shrine


  5. Iwa Miyako Shrine | Power spot in Hyogo | Search for power spot.

    Iwa Miyako Shrine


  6. Hiraizumi Hakusan Shrine | Power Spots in Fukui Prefecture | Search for power spots.

    Hiraizumi Temple Hakusan Shrine


  7. Tojinbo


  8. Ashiwa Shrine | Power Spots in Fukui Prefecture | Power spot search.

    Ashiwa Shrine


  9. Wakasa Hime Shrine (Wakasahiko Shrine) | Power spots in Fukui Prefecture | Search for power spots.

    Wakasa Hime Shrine (Wakasahiko Shrine)


  10. Kanesaki-miya | Power spots in Fukui | Power spot search.

    Kanesaki Palace


  1. Kinpakusanji Temple | Nara Prefecture Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Kinutasan-ji Temple | Power Spot in Nara Prefecture


  2. Shioto old woman


  3. Open-air shrine | Power spots in Osaka | Search for power spots.

    Open-air shrine


  4. Takayama Inari Shrine | Aomori Prefecture Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Takayama Inari Shrine | Aomori Power Spot


  5. Sumiyoshi Sanshin


  6. Yamamiya Asama Shrine | Power spot in Shizuoka Prefecture


  7. Kakuoyama Nichitai Temple


  8. Furudate Shrine | Tochigi Power Spot / Shrine | Power Spot Search / Shrine Search.

    Kofun Shrine


  9. Takase Shrine | Power Spots in Toyama Prefecture


  10. Kifune Shrine | Kyoto Power Spot
